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Post by pippen »

All you season ticket holders with thoughts of not going south in two weeks, at least find a Sooner who wants to go. Please.
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Post by AllSooner »

I know it will be hard, but please sell to a Sooner.....even if a whorn offers you more. Take one for the team!
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Post by pippen »

Got this note from the Touchdown Club. Wish the ticket office could do it, but I suppose that would be untenable.

2024 Texas Tickets
All Texas tickets have been sent out. You should have received a text or email with a link to download your tickets. If you have not already downloaded your tickets, please do so as soon as possible to avoid any issues with adding them to your wallet. If you have any issues with downloading your tickets, please call us at 405-840-1460.

As a reminder, Touchdown Club seats are for OU fans only. If you are not going to use these tickets, please contact us. (You will still continue to receive them in the future.) We will refund your money for this year and ensure that they go to a Club member who is on this year’s waiting list. Few things are as upsetting to our members as having to sit next to a Texas fan in our booster club section. Should we find out that you have resold your tickets to the general public or have given or sold them to Texas fans, you risk having your tickets reassigned or losing them.

Boomer Sooner!
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Post by Rough Rider »

I am in the market to buy a pair. I ve booked the hotel but generally wait until the days are dwindling in the last week to buy the tickets.
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Post by soonerindallas »

If I had some tickets, I'd sell them to you. I just have a feeling it won't be a pretty game. Auburn's OL chewed us up most of the game, and their defense pretty much stopped us. Texas has much more talent than Auburn.
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Post by SoonerMike »

Just a thought on the other side of selling tickets only to Sooner fans (On the rare occasion I am unable to attend a game, I have a slew of children, grandchildren, niece, nephews that use them to cheer for OU)

WHEN ticket prices have soared upward in price, when a bottle of water at home games cost $5.43 each, when someone can donate money and move ahead of a 50 year ticket holder in priority for seating and Texas tickets, Loyalty given is reciprocated.
So don't expect fans who have been subjected to somewhat mercenary monetary policy to not sell to the highest bidder
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Post by Rough Rider »

soonerindallas wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:05 pm If I had some tickets, I'd sell them to you. I just have a feeling it won't be a pretty game. Auburn's OL chewed us up most of the game, and their defense pretty much stopped us. Texas has much more talent than Auburn.
No matter the outcome, it's still a fun day out for me and my wife. She's not a football fan and this game and the day at the fair is the only football related thing she looks forward to. So we go whenever we can both get that weekend off. We both got it off this year, so we will go.
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Post by SoonerTony »

Some folks already in give-up mode it seems. How many times has the underdog won this game? It’s happened a bunch.

If we can stop the run and make them one-dimensional on offense, this will be a close game. And I think we can.

Winning the turnover battle, as always, will be key.
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Post by FW_Sooner »

SoonerMike wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:44 pm Just a thought on the other side of selling tickets only to Sooner fans (On the rare occasion I am unable to attend a game, I have a slew of children, grandchildren, niece, nephews that use them to cheer for OU)

WHEN ticket prices have soared upward in price, when a bottle of water at home games cost $5.43 each, when someone can donate money and move ahead of a 50 year ticket holder in priority for seating and Texas tickets, Loyalty given is reciprocated.
So don't expect fans who have been subjected to somewhat mercenary monetary policy to not sell to the highest bidder
I get your point. But must it always be about making the most money?? I’m sure selling it to a Sooner won’t be at a loss. It’s the principle. The person a Sooner fan sells their tickets to at home games is also going to have to pay for that $5.43 water too. I just can’t stand when some fans give up tickets because they think we’re going to get beat bad. That’s when the team needs us the most!
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Post by pippen »

FW_Sooner wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:04 am I just can’t stand when some fans give up tickets because they think we’re going to get beat bad. That’s when the team needs us the most!
Precisely. That's when the MONSTER needs to show up, hungry. Which, frankly, is virtually every game anymore.
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Post by pippen »

SoonerMike wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:44 pm Just a thought on the other side of selling tickets only to Sooner fans (On the rare occasion I am unable to attend a game, I have a slew of children, grandchildren, niece, nephews that use them to cheer for OU)

WHEN ticket prices have soared upward in price, when a bottle of water at home games cost $5.43 each, when someone can donate money and move ahead of a 50 year ticket holder in priority for seating and Texas tickets, Loyalty given is reciprocated.
So don't expect fans who have been subjected to somewhat mercenary monetary policy to not sell to the highest bidder
I share the sentiment to a large degree. I do not care for much if anything of what has happened and continues to happen with ticketing practices, costs, the game experience in Norman, etc. All for the sake of money. Loyalty and tradition be dam*ed. Eventually, probably soon, it will cost them getting any more of mine (not that they'll notice). But having been, and having had my family, subjected to multiple unpleasant situations with nearby cow fans in various sections on the south side of the Cotton Bowl over the decades, that game is different.
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