Jimmie F. Rodgers

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Jimmie F. Rodgers

Post by BudaSooner »

(Not to be confused with the great country/hillbilly singer Jimmie Rodgers of Depression Years fame).

While browsing the Internet today, I ran across a page that featured numerous musical groups over the years, and while sampling different singers, I tapped on songs by the late great Jimmie F. (to distinguish from the other Jimmie) Rodgers.
I enjoyed my teen years during the late 50s, and as a result I listened to lots of Everly Brothers, Johnny Cash, Platters, Fats Domino and on and on.
But I always had a soft spot for Jimmie, ever since I heard his initial hit "Honeycomb", (he had the sweetest tenor singing voice!) "Kisses Sweeter than Wine", "Bimbombay", and later, in the 60s, "The World I Used to Know".

For your enjoyment, here are those listed. (You should pay attention to the words of the last), I loved the lyrics!

Honeycomb Kisses Sweeter than Wine Bimbombay
The World I Used to Know
Poster previously known as BlackwellSooner
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