Tag Team Update - Week 5

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Tag Team Update - Week 5

Post by EMan »

A rather eventful Week 5 of college football has also caused a rather eventful shuffling of our Pick'em Tag Team competition standings. After posting a very solid 331 total for the week, SoonerLynx and gcruse7 have taken over the top spot on our leaderboard going into Week 6. But they are followed closely by a couple of teams that are currently tied for second, Echo and OU-Native, and OU Chinaman and Wishbone, both sporting an overall total of 1314. It’s quite the race as we speed down the backstretch.

You know, you’d think that after being one of the founding members of this board and a poster here for 30 years I’d know how to use all the bells and whistles this site provides. But no! Anyway, I decided I needed something better to show the weekly results, so this is my first crack at creating a table. Hopefully, this makes it easier for everyone to check my math...

TEAMWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Total
SoonerLynx / gcruse72452273072263311336
Echo / OU-Native2822302562822641314
OU Chinaman / Wishbone2862442292852701314
OU_Tom2 / EMan2962012901933011281
Old Timer / crushcreekmont2762212172672991280
IMAsooner / formulaS2871592602603071273
walt / Triple Option2772342581902671226
Bixby_Sooner / Oklahombre2572282242052771191
I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong!
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