Sooner Women's Rowing in Fall Started Today! This snuck up on me

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Sooner Women's Rowing in Fall Started Today! This snuck up on me

Post by OUBeliever56A »

I must admit, this one snuck on me. I missed it.

The Sooner Women's Rowing Team started their Fall season today at the Oklahoma River in OKC in the Head of the Oklahoma Regatta.

Here is the Sooner Rooster for the 2024-2025 Season:

Here is the pre-regatta article about the events today in OKC. ... a-city-row

Here is the Regatta Schedule (CST):
9:30 a.m. | 2- & 1x (Head Race)
1:45 p.m. | 4+ (Head Race)
2:30 p.m. | 8+ (Alumni)
3:10 p.m. | 8+ (Head Race)
9:45 p.m. | 8+ (OG&E Night Sprints)

There is still time to catch the 8+ in the afternoon and for the Night Sprints.

The Roster this year includes 42 student athletes. There are 7 new Freshman, 13 Sophomores, 2 Red-Shirt Sophomores, 8 Juniors, 10 Seniors and 2 Grad Students.

Boomer Sooner!
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Post by OUBeliever56A »

Here are the results of the Head of the Oklahoma Regatta on Saturday. ... 78/results

Here is a qucick synopsis of the results from "X" for Oklahoma Rowing.

Sooners claim three top-five finishes in the pairs!
Singles take first, second and fourth!
Oklahoma takes first and third in the 8+ Boomer!
Sooners secure second in the 4-!
Oklahoma takes first and second in the petite eights! Boomer
Women's collegiate eights take first and second in the NightSprints!

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