I heard a guy comparing football to chest. You only have a limit amount of plays to beat your opponent. That is so true in the grand scheme
of things. It is your offense against there defense. If you keep using the same plays over & over to set up a move to score, & there
not working you need a different game plan. That is so true. The big difference in football is if the moves you make are not executed correctly they also may not work. I do not think Littrell is a very good chess player. But my biggest concerns is the
Technique these kids are not perfecting.I put that on the offensive coaching they’re not receiving.On BV defensive side they are. Will
that change this season, I truly do not think so. I also was told Seth did not even talk to his kids in Texas game before going out on the field. That
coming from some one in the locker room. Something we need to think about as fans before (putting the blame on the players)
Something I heard today that is so true
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