Week 2 Scores - Individuals

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Week 2 Scores - Individuals

Post by AustinTXSooner »

These are sorted by AVG, not High

All Around
439.62539.625Faith Torrez
739.55039.550Lily Pederson
939.51239.600Audrey Davis
1239.47539.675Jordan Bowers
3939.06339.325Addison Fatta
Jordan Bowers has the fourth highest score this season with a 39.675.

109.9009.950Keira Wells
179.8759.925Lily Pederson
319.8639.875Audrey Davis
499.8389.925Faith Torrez
539.8259.900Jordan Bowers
4159.4889.800Addison Fatta
Keira Wells is in an 8-way tie for the highest score this season with a 9.950

19.9639.975Audrey Davis
49.9259.950Faith Torrez
49.9259.925Jordan Bowers
89.9129.950Lily Pederson
109.9009.900Danielle Sievers
109.9009.900Elle Mueller
479.8509.875Addison Fatta
Audrey is tied for the high score this season with a 9.975.

19.9509.975Faith Torrez
49.9259.950Lily Pederson
169.8879.900Addison Fatta
329.8629.900Jordan Bowers
969.8139.875Audrey Davis
1359.7759.800Keira Wells
Faith has the high score at 9.975. Lily is in a 4-way tie for second with a 9.950

129.9129.950Faith Torrez
279.8759.875Audrey Davis
549.8629.950Jordan Bowers
799.8389.875Addison Fatta
799.8389.875Lily Pederson
889.8259.850Danielle Sievers
Jordan and Faith are in a 9-way tie for third with a 9.950
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