PM Feature does not work when mail box is 100% full

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PM Feature does not work when mail box is 100% full

Post by Bixby_Sooner »

I'm not sure if this should go to Walt, OU_Guy or someone else, but I just wanted to let you know that the PM feature for Sooner Times is not working. Oklahombre said in a forum 2-3 days ago that he had sent me a PM. I never received it.

Yesterday I sent him a PM to let him know I still hadn't received it. I checked this morning and it didn't even show up in my sent box that I had written to him.

Let me know if you have any questions or need more details.
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Post by BudaSooner »

Did you ever get your PM problem resolved, Bixby? I just sent a PM to OUTom a few minutes ago, but on checking, I see that it is still in my outbox, and my SENT PMs does not indicate that my PM was sent.

I note that you never received a reply from one of the admins. I wonder why?
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Post by OU_Tom »

I got budasooner's pm and responded within about an hour and 30 minutes after receiving it
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Post by OU_Tom »

Bixby_Sooner wrote: Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:27 am I'm not sure if this should go to Walt, OU_Guy or someone else, but I just wanted to let you know that the PM feature for Sooner Times is not working. Oklahombre said in a forum 2-3 days ago that he had sent me a PM. I never received it.

Yesterday I sent him a PM to let him know I still hadn't received it. I checked this morning and it didn't even show up in my sent box that I had written to him.

Let me know if you have any questions or need more details.
if PM's aren't showing up as sent then they might still be in your mailbox.

For privacy reasons, I can’t provide a lot of help on PMs since I can’t see your pms.

Make sure your and Oklahombre mail boxes aren't full.
If you don't see mail as sent then they generally means the recipient has not read it. If recipient's mail box is full that will create problems.
I have increased some limits so try to send PM again
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Post by OU_Tom »

It looks like Oklahombre message box was full so he couldn't successfully send or receive message. He currently has 55 messages. I have increased the limit so you should be able be able to send him messages until his mail box fills up ago. He has received 5 additional messages since yesterday.
::rice2:: :dude:
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