Week 5 Pick'em Games - How we picked 'em

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Week 5 Pick'em Games - How we picked 'em

Post by EMan »

As a reminder, the percentages are the number of players that picked the HOME team...

1  Oregon @ UCLA 6.1% (2 - 33)
2  Kentucky @ Mississippi 97% (32 - 33)
3  Minnesota @ Michigan 97% (32 - 33)
4  Wisconsin @ Southern Cal 97% (32 - 33)
5  Colorado @ Central Florida 81.8% (27 - 33)
6  Arkansas @ Texas A&M 90.9% (30 - 33)
7  Nebraska @ Purdue 0% (0 - 33)
8  Louisville @ Notre Dame 90.9% (30 - 33)
9  Arizona @ Utah 90.9% (30 - 33)
10  Tulsa @ North Texas 72.7% (24 - 33)
11  Maryland @ Indiana 84.8% (28 - 33)
12  South Florida @ Tulane 90.9% (30 - 33)
13  Oklahoma State @ Kansas State 81.8% (27 - 33)
14  Florida State @ SMU 75.8% (25 - 33)
15  Cincinnati @ Texas Tech 84.8% (28 - 33)
16  Oklahoma @ Auburn 6.1% (2 - 33)
17  BYU @ Baylor 36.4% (12 - 33)
18  Georgia @ Alabama 42.4% (14 - 33)
19  North Carolina @ Duke 72.7% (24 - 33)
20  TCU @ Kansas 84.8% (28 - 33)
I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong!
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