Men's Cross Country - FR Thobias Cheruiyot Earns 2nd SEC Award!

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Men's Cross Country - FR Thobias Cheruiyot Earns 2nd SEC Award!

Post by OUBeliever56A »

University of Oklahoma cross country freshman Thobias Cheruiyot was named the Southeastern Conference Men's Freshman Runner of the Week following his performance at the Joe Piane Notre Dame Invitational on Friday, October 4th.

Here is the Sooner staff wrtiers article about Cheruiyot's SEC Award: ... week-award

Cheruiyot has burst onto the scene for Oklahoma in Men's Cross Country with a 1st Place finish in the first meet for the Sooners. Then he finished 18th at the next event against a very good field.

Another freshman runner for the Women's Cross Country, Leah Jeruto, finished 3rd at the Joe Piane Notre Dame Invitational in her first event as a Sooner.

Boomer Sooner!
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