SEC Men's BB -Results from the week - Records and AP Rankings

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SEC Men's BB -Results from the week - Records and AP Rankings

Post by OUBeliever56A »

Here are the pre-conference results from the Men's SEC games this week (Nov 18 - 24) and their AP raniking if applicable:

Team with last week's record --> Results this week --> new Record and Ranking:
Tennessee - 4-0 - Ranked #11 => Defeated Virginia 64-42. Defeated Baylor 77-62. ==> Now 6-0 - Ranked #7.

Florida - 6-0 - Ranked #21 => Defeated Florida A&M 84-60. Defeated Southern Illinois 93-68. ==> Now 6-0 - Ranked #18.

Vanderbilt - 4-0 => Defeated Nevada 73-71. Defeated Seaton Hall 76-60. Lost to Drake 81-70. ==> Now 6-1 - Ranked RV42.

Georgia - 4-0 => Defeated Alabama A&M 93-45. Lost to Marquette 80-69. Defeated #22 St; Johns 66-63. ==> Now 6-1.

Kentucky - 3-0 - Ranked #9 => Defeated Lipscomb 97-68. Defeated Jackson State 108-59. ==> Now 5-0 - Ranked #8.

Ole Miss - 4-0 => Defeated Oral Roberts 100-68. ==> Now 5-0 - Ranked #23.

Mississippi State - 4-0 => Defeated SMU 84-79. ==> Now 5-0 - Ranked #25.

Alabama - 4-1 - Ranked #8 => Defeated #25 Illinois 100-87. ==> Now 5-1 - Ranked #9.

Texas A&M - 4-1 - Ranked #23 => Defeated Southern 71-54. ==> Now 5-1 - Ranked #20.

Texas - 3-1 => Defeated Syracuse 70-66. Defeated St; Joseph 67-58. ==> Now 5-1 - Ranked RV28.

L S U - 3-0 => Defeated Charleston Southern 77-68. Lost to Pittsburg 74-63. Defeated Central Florida 109-102. ==> Now 5-1.

Missouri - 3-1 => Defeated Pacific 91-56. Defeated 112-63. ==> Now 5-1.

Auburn - 3-0 => Ranked #4 => Defeated North Alabama 102-69. ==> Now 4-0 - Ranked #4.

Oklahoma - 3-0 => Defeated East Texas A&M 84-56. ==> Now 4-0.

Arkansas - 2-1 - Ranked #20 => Defeated Pacific 91-72. Defeated Little Rock 79-67. ==> Now 4-1 - Ranked #19.

South Carolina - 2-2 => Defeated Mercer 84-72. ==> Now 3-2.
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