Pick'em Tag Team Update - Week 14

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Pick'em Tag Team Update - Week 14

Post by EMan »

One week left in our Pick’em Tag Team Battle Royale, and this race literally couldn’t be any closer! After 14 weeks, 280 games, and 5880 possible points available to each of our various teams, we currently sit in a dead heat headed into our final week of competition! That’s right! The team of SoonerLynx and gcruse7 are tied with the Dynamic (Admin) Duo of OU_Tom2 and EMan at 3474 points apiece! Who da thunk it? But don’t look over your shoulder guys, because walt and Triple Option are only 20 points back at 3454. And it’s certainly not out of the question that Echo and OU-Native might not make a last second charge to really make things interesting. Still A LOT to play for and this probably won't be decided until the last game is finally in the books! Who is going to make that crucial lean at the tape? Stay tuned! And as always, be sure to check my math!

TEAMWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13Week 14Total
SoonerLynx / gcruse72452273072263312362322482582432142262182633474
OU_Tom2 / EMan2962012901933012392722472462291831842853083474
walt / Triple Option2772342581902672962971762702282002042453123454
Echo / OU-Native2822302562822642492891692772031912042292733398
OU Chinaman / Wishbone2862442292852701942662172561871662422482793369
IMAsooner / formulaS287159260260307240249232157189951662723433216
Bixby_Sooner / Oklahombre2572282242052772532682322431791722421742033157
Old Timer / crushcreekmont276221217267299244218210253112166803061132982
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Post by WishBone »

:eyes: :eyes: The stretch run should be interesting..........................
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Post by Triple Option »

OK Walt, we're down by 6 at our own 34 yard line with 2:14 to go in the fourth.

And we've got Baker at QB. Here we go!
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