Week 4 Scores - Individuals

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Week 4 Scores - Individuals

Post by AustinTXSooner »

These are sorted by AVG, not High

All Around
239.57539.625Faith Torrez
439.55639.725Audrey Davis
639.53839.675Jordan Bowers
739.51939.575Lily Pederson
3839.18139.325Addison Fatta
Jade Carey managed to score a 39.800. Audrey Davis is in a 4-way tie for second with her 39.725.

89.8889.925Lily Pederson
209.8759.925Audrey Davis
229.8699.950Faith Torrez
339.8509.950Keira Wells
799.8199.900Jordan Bowers
3569.6509.825Addison Fatta
Keira Wells and Faith Torrez are in an 11-way tie for the second highest score this season with a 9.950

19.9509.975Audrey Davis
49.9139.950Jordan Bowers
89.9009.900Danielle Sievers
239.8699.950Lily Pederson
329.8629.900Addison Fatta
439.8569.950Faith Torrez
1099.8009.900Elle Mueller
Jordan Chiles has a 10 this year. Audrey is in a 4-way tie for the second highest score.

59.9139.975Faith Torrez
79.9129.950Lily Pederson
149.8949.925Jordan Bowers
319.8629.900Addison Fatta
319.8629.925Audrey Davis
1139.7949.825Keira Wells
Helen Hu from Missouri has a 10.0. Faith Torrez is in a 4-way tie for the second highest score at 9.975

29.9389.975Faith Torrez
89.9129.975Jordan Bowers
269.8759.875Elle Mueller
389.8699.925Audrey Davis
599.8509.900Lily Pederson
1059.8259.850Danielle Sievers
1399.8069.875Addison Fatta
Jordan and Faith are in a 4-way tie for first with a 9.975
Posts: 628
Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:02 am
Has thanked: 143 times
Been thanked: 370 times

Post by AustinTXSooner »

Two things are going to happen when we switch to NQS in a couple of weeks. First, those who haven't competed in 6 meets are going to fall off of the lists. Second, after the seventh week, those with an unusually low score are going to jump up in the rankings.
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